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Revolución antifeminista | |
Por la Civilización |
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Contra la barbarie |
This entry was posted on Viernes, abril 17th, 2009 at 8:20 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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We Are Change Ireland Confronts “Scum” Rockefeller At Trilateral Meeting VIDEO
1. Kagan: ‘Disappear’ Free Speech If The Government Deems It Offensive
2. New UK Government To Be Infested With Bankers
3. We Are Change Ireland Confronts “Scum” Rockefeller At Trilateral Meeting VIDEO
4. Bilderberg, el club de los poderosos
5. World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes
6. El Grupo Bilderberg se podría reunir en Sitges este mes de junio
7. Atmospheric Scientist Slaps Down 255 Warming Scientists Letter: There is ‘no scientific evidence that burning of fossil fuel is responsible for climate change’
8. «Si las mujeres pierden el tren de la tecnología, perderán el futuro»
Feminismo revestido de la mierda de siempre
«Teníamos las mismas inquietudes y habíamos detectado que no sólo no había mujeres emprendedoras en tecnología, sino que había una falta de visibilidad importante», subraya Araque.”
9. AFP Editor Reports On Secret Gathering Of Trilats in Ireland
10. Climate change could make half the world uninhabitable
Vaya con los del Telegraph, primero se hacen eco del Climategate y ahora nos sueltan esta. Es como si publican los comentarios de un psicopata o de Hitler sobre el derecho humano a la vida. Alguna droga potente se esta repartiendo en Inglaterra y nosotros nos lo estamos perdiendo.
Las cinco razones que cuestionan la validez de Wikipedia
5 motivos por los que Wikipedia no es tan genial
Si, bueno, es lo que todos sabemos de Wikipedia. Hay ciertas cuestiones con las que hay que tener cuidado, especialmente con lo politico y con lo que pueda tener distintos tipos de interpretaciones. De todas maneras y, como todos sabemos, internet esta todavia mucho peor. Y los medios de adoctrinamiento de masa de la oligarquia todavia mucho peor, algo criminal y para llevarlos a la carcel.
La vida es asi, se reciben informaciones y hay que saber contrastarlas y valorarlas, a parte de estar previamente informado, lo que es de mucha ayuda. La vida es asi.
En Wikipedia ahay que tener cuidado con lo que ha podido ser tocado por las feministas, es decir, las homosexuales, o por los de la nueva izquierda. A veces incluso no se cortan un pelo ponen que es manipulacion suya. Pero de esto ya hablamos hace tiempo.
VAWA: Billions Spent on Pure Government Evil
Sorry, men ARE more brainy than women (and more stupid too!) It’s a simple scientific fact, says one of Britain’s top dons
A los que estais contra los transgénicos, os interesará:
Como siempre, lo de la iglesia es estar a favor, en contra y a ambos lados… por si acaso.
Wherever I may roam! I think your blog is so good!
My persistent civil libertarianism will cause an ulcer if I keep reading stories like this.
Las dudas sobre el plan de rescate lastran al euro
Alemania: “El BCE ha muerto, Viva el Bundesbank”
Los calentólogos defienden su honestidad con una foto trucada
‘ManBearPig is real!’ declare top climate scientists. ‘And to prove it here’s a photo-shopped image we found on the internet of a polar bear on a melting ice floe.’
De todas maneras, la presencia del oso sobre un casquete de hielo aislado no es indicativo de nada. Ha existido desde siempre. Es inherente al desarollo de la vida en esas latitudes.
Acabo de descubrir esta página. Interesante. Como estos días estan con lo de la crisis y ayer ZP se decidió a meter tijera, me he decidido ha enviar una opinión sobre esto, pero que afecta al tema feminazi. A ver, todos los recortes van para los de siempre, cierto, pero el “maricomplejines” en materia de recortar ministerios estuvo bien (quitar el de Igualdad) aunque sin llegar al fondo del tema. Si quiere ser coherente, tendría que:
Primero, derogar leyes feminazis como la de violencia de género y la de igualdad.
Segundo, quitar los juzgados de violencia sobre la mujer. Tercero, anular las subvenciones a organizaciones feministas.
Cuarto, anular todas las ayudas que se dan solo por el hecho de ser mujer o de parir hijos.
Quinto, los gastos sanitarios por cambio de sexo a cargo de quien lo solicite. ¡Basta ya de tenerle que pagar a nadie sus caprichos!.
Sexto, nada de aborto gratuito, si fueron libres y no les costó nada hacerlo, ahora, si quieren deshacerlo, de su bolsillo.
Séptimo, fuera todas las ayudas para pseudociencias tipo “estudios de género” y demás.
Octavo, eliminación en los centros de enseñanza de los departamentos de estudios de género.
Noveno, ni un céntimo de euro para organizaciones gays o lesbianas.
Décimo, suprimir del Estado, Comunidades Autónomas y Ayuntamientos los departamentos, institutos, consejerías, secciones y negociados que llevan por apellido “de la Mujer”.
¿Se atreverá “maricomplejines” a proponer esto? Hay muchos millones que se podrían ahorrar. Mucho me temo que no, si tenemos en cuenta que, para empezar, su PP votó la infame Ley de Violencia de Género con los sociatas.
Gracias a JAIME, Koll e ICONO por vuestra inestimable aportacion.
1. Gracias a JAIME, Koll e ICONO por vuestra inestimable aportación.
El enlace que nos manda Koll es de necesaria lectura, por supuesto. Y a la aportación de JAIME solo nos queda decir que el ultimo punto seria la devolución del dinero con intereses.
2. El amor para siempre está destinado al fracaso, según una fórmula matemática
Un científico español elabora un modelo que sugiere que mantener una relación sentimental a largo plazo es casi una tarea imposible
Vaya, esta es la mierda de siempre de las feministas. Todos podemos recordar como las feministas, es decir, las homosexuales estuvieron con una canción parecida desde los 80 hasta el 2002 aproximadamente. Lo que trataban de demostrar y de inculcar era que según cierto estudio científico los procesos biológicos-hormonales que produce el enamoramiento y el amor se acaban a los tres meses. Todos nos acordamos de esta mierda porque del excremento que tienen en la cabeza era de las pocas mierdas que les salia. Así, de esa manera, querían demostrar que el amor es una perversión masculina para controlar a las mujeres. Si, sabemos lo que pensáis: son unas putas enfermas. Todos lo hemos sabido desde siempre. Pero claro, sobre el 2002 aprecio alguna noticia descubriendo los procesos biológico-hormonales que hacían que siguiera existiendo el amor. Y es que el odio, la ideología y la enfermedad no podrán con el. Claro, si no existía el amor la definición de como tenían que ser las relaciones afectivas pasa por la ideología, por las homosexuales y por la oligarquía. Es decir, por los feudalistas y esclavistas. Parecía ser que también los sentimientos eran una construcción social en vez de un producto biológico. A parte de ser unas putas enfermas son idiotas perdidas. Tienen menos capacidad para la lógica que las piedras, pero la misma que la mierda (de la se esta hecho su “cerebro”) En toda esta historia solo se podía contemplar una relación afectiva posible: la homosexual en cualquiera de sus vertientes y sectas (bisexual, trisexual, cuatrisexual, homosexual que no tiene relaciones sexuales con los del otro sexo, homosexuales que violan menores, homosexuales que se tienen relaciones sexuales con animales, es decir, zoofilos, etcétera)
Los únicos destinados al fracasos son las feministas, los “científicos” colaboracionistas y la oligarquía. Y punto.
3. México podría demandar a BP
Council On Foreign Relations Propaganda VIDEO
Members of the Council on Foreign Relations
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Por cierto, respecto de lo que habeis publicado del ABC. Ese periodico fue serio y muchos lo tuvimos por tal hasta hace relativamente poco, pero últimente se pelea con panfletos como El País para ser más feminazi que nadie. ¿Se acuerdan de la famosa portada con la supuesta mirada del asesino? Eso fue el colmo, pero la cosa venía de atrás y continúa… ¡como demuestra esa bazofia de artículo! ¿Por qué siempre propaganda para las feminazis? ¡Ah! y puestos, lo del cambio climático, pero si es que en este puto país todos tragan con esa memez. El otro día me entero que Leopoldo Barreda, un jefecillo del PP en el País Vasco, resulta que el miembro de Greenpeace, organización ecofascista, a la que deberíamos llamar grinpis, pero pis de pí,pi, o sea de meada que es lo que tienen esos por cerebro.
The Dangers of Genetically Modified Food and the Financial System
1. Fluoride Free Austin to Address Health Issues of Fluoride VIDEOS
2. Killing The Food Supply: The Dangers of Genetically Modified Food
3. S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, the most dangerous bill in the history of the US
4. You Are Being Lied To By The Entire Financial System (MUY INTERESANTE)
5. Kagan Argued for Government ‘Redistribution of Speech’
6. Influenza vaccine sends children into convulsions
7. NSA head confirmed as chief of US cyber command
8. Kagan Involved In 9/11 Cover Up
Jay Hammers – Resisting the feminist rape of the male VIDEO
Auf Widersehen Men
Trial by Media is Violation of Human Rights
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
By Uma Challa
All India Forgotten Women’s Association (AIFWA), Andhra Pradesh Mothers-in-law Protection Association (APMPA), Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF), All India Men’s Welfare Association (AIMWA) are submitting a petition to the A.P. State Human Rights Commission regarding print and electronic media telecasting/publishing lies and half-truths about family disputes between husbands and wives in the name of news, and resorting to defamation of husbands and their family members by calling them criminals, crooks, cheats, frauds, blood-thirsty demons, money-hungry wolves, and similar terms merely based on the self-serving statements of a complainant wife, thus damaging to the dignity of accused persons.
It has become a regular practice for Newspapers and TV News Channels to publish/telecast disputes between wives and husbands and matters which are subjudice or under investigation, in the name of news. Every news story of this nature has certain common elements –
* Portraying the wife as weak, helpless creature having low self-esteem, but flawless in their interactions with the husband and his family members, and as innocent victims of the evil practice of dowry.
* Portraying the husband and his kin as criminal-minded, sadistic persons who constantly harass the young wives for dowry.
* Channels competing with each other to invent new terms to paint the husband and his family members as the worst villains.
* Making assumptions about the guilt of the husband and his family members merely based on allegations of the complainant wife.
* Passing generalized remarks demeaning all men.
* Passing verdicts about the appropriate punishment for the accused husband and his family members.
News Channels have been pitching a wife as a damsel in distress and the husband and his family members as crooks and pitting them against each other for jerking the last drop of tear out of the viewers’ eyes and to arouse unjustified anger against the accused, to keep the viewers glued to their TV sets and boost the TRPs of the respective Channels.
Newspapers and News Channels, through their gut-wrenching commentary, are building unnecessary pressure on the Police and Judiciary, prejudicing the viewers and making the society arrest-hungry.
Such irresponsible reporting of sensational lies and half-truths on disputes between a married couple, in the name of news, causes immeasurable damage to the accused, most of whom are decent, law-abiding citizens, and also have their version of the story which they may or may not want to share with the media. The media, emboldened by the dysfunctional judiciary brazenly resorts to damaging the reputation of the accused knowing well that a person already embroiled in court cases which will take years for disposal, may not take a chance and file a case of damages or defamation.
Conducting trial by media by publishing/telecasting one-sided versions or forcing the husband and his family to face the TV camera under the threat or risk of being discredited, making unsubstantiated allegations and defamatory statements against the accused, giving derogatory titles to the accused, conducting media trial and passing one-sided verdicts, thus discrediting the accused before the case has been heard or concluded in the Court, all amount to violation of the human rights of the accused. In addition, making generalized statements demeaning all men also amounts to blatant violation of the human rights of fifty percent of the country’s population.
The physical and mental health of many accused individuals, especially elders, are affected because of maligning their personal and family reputation and many young men, their sisters and their aged parents have committed suicides unable to withstand the trauma caused by media trial and defamation in addition to prolonged uphill legal battles.
We are appealing to the A.P. State Human Rights Commission to please render justice to victims of media malice by
1) directing all newspapers and news channels to stop publishing/telecasting of family disputes between wife and husband as news.
2) directing all newspapers and news channels to stop making one-sided statements and conducting media trial on an accused husband and his family members.
3) directing all newspapers and news channels to render a public apology for giving horrendous titles to an accused husband and his family members.
4) directing all newspapers and news channels to stop making derogatory statements on men as a group and to render a public apology for the damage already done to the reputation of men as a group.
5) issuing directives such that in case the accused husband or his family members commit suicide unable to bear the trauma of media trial and public humiliation, the respective Newspapers and TV Channels will be required to compensate and pay for the defamation and damages, without the need for the victims of media-trial having to fight another tedious losing legal battle against powerful media houses.
6) issuing directives to stop media Discussions on ANY matter which is subjudice or under investigation, especially those related to family disputes, and the Hon’ble Forum may make provisions to file suo moto cases of contempt of court in case of violation of this directive.
1. How to Build a Man Bomb
2. El derrame de petróleo del Golfo de México, riesgos y oportunidades (ojo con lo que dice)
3. La Fiscalía de Nueva York investiga si ocho grandes bancos condicionaron las notas de las agencias de rating
El Gobierno se plantea qué hacer con los que más ganan
Esa no es la noticia. La noticia es: las personas se plantean qué hacer con el Gobierno
El Ejército evacúa a los civiles del centro comercial de Bangkok
Khattiya says 80 red-shirt groups will go on fighting even without leaders
El ex de Lydia Bosch solicita una examen psicológico de sus hijos
Trilateral Commission Wants War With Iran
Sovereign Independent Confronts Rockefeller in Dublin Trilateral Venue
1. Internet: el nuevo campo de batalla
“una batalla que está empezando a librarse en Europa” “Será en gran medida en la Red, y a causa de la Red, donde se decidirá el destino de lo que en años venideros deba y pueda entenderse por libertad, por democracia, por igualdad.” eso de la igualdad no sabemos a que viene. Sera una ida de olla feminista.
2. Bill Gates se propone cambiar el clima
A los oligarcas el clima les pone muy cachondos. Primero mienten sobre el y ahora lo quieren cambiar. Lo de siempre.
3. Geithner to Submit Economic Report to Rockefeller, Rothschild, Kissinger (Mas oligarca)
4. Women Answer to Recession, says Time Magazine
Condenan a muerte al eugenista que apuñaló a 29 niños en China
Clashes on Saturday
Two shot at Bon Kai
El Gobierno tailandés considera declarar el toque de queda en Bangkok
The Edge of Anarchy
Tailandia se despeña hacia la guerra civil
Cualquiera puede ver la diferencia entre lo que se quiere decir entre los titulares de los dos últimos enlaces. Y lo que quieren decir con el titular de abajo. Se tenia que quejar la embajada de Tailandia por agresiones feministas del ABC. y la próxima vez no iban a jugar con terminología feminista.
Del «turismo sexual» al turismo de guerra
“No sé cómo acabará esto, pero cada minuto que pasa estamos más cerca de la guerra civil”
Nosotros ya mencionamos en su dia lo de la guerra civil. Guerras locales en una guerra global.
Holanda trata a Chile como a su colonia
Dentro de la noticia podrás pinchar en un botón para mandarle tu queja al embajador de Holanda.
Beatriz I de los Países Bajos
Sobre el enlace mandado por Koll
” con un reportaje del 3 de agosto que afirmaba que el Vaticano se estaba abriendo a la idea de aprobar las cosechas transgénicas.
El periódico citaba al presidente de Justicia y Paz, el arzobispo Renato Martino, diciendo que es imperativo encontrar la manera de llevar alimentos a quienes mueren de hambre.
Finalmente, el presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva interrumpía su visita a las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York para contradecir al vicepresidente, que firmó finalmente el decreto.
El New York Times observaba que era una importante decisión, dado que los ecologistas han jugado un papel importante en el Partido de los Trabajadores de Lula, desde su fundación hace 20 años.
En Australia…
En Nueva Zelanda…”
Es interesante la información y si queréis la podéis mandar actualizada porque esta es de 11 octubre 2003
Thai Military Slaughter of “Red Shirts” Intensifies
New target of rights erosions: U.S. citizens
European Council On Foreign Relations: EU Needs To Use Crisis For Greater Power
G20: Climate Change No Longer A Priority
Agresiones neomaltusianas
Earth may be too hot for humans by 2300: study
Climate change is our top priority, says UN chief (2 March 2007 )
Robbert Dijkgraaf heads investigation into climate report
Sobre Tailandia
Death toll rises in Thai clashes
Battle for Bangkok
Inside Bangkok’s red city
Bangkok no entry zones declared
Hemos añadido tres nuevos libros en su sección correspondiente:
16. Tao Te King
17. El Arte de la Guerra
18. El Príncipe
Tao Te Ching (Dào Dé Jing)
El arte de la guerra
El príncipe
Usa Firefox, es gratis y mejor que los de la oligarquía.
Conoce el mejor navegador del mundo
Mozilla Firefox (English)
Mozilla Firefox (español) (Portugués)
Oil spill: BP accused of using Gulf of Mexico as ‘toxic testing-ground’
Men developed thicker foreheads and jaws due to fighting over women
Climate body chief defends use of ‘grey literature’
Los terroristas
Tailandia impone el toque de queda
1. Tailandia impone el toque de queda
Useful tourist information and phone numbers
Timeline of Bangkok chaos (May 16)
2. Un movimiento invita a abandonar Facebook en masa
Una feminista agrede a la amante de su marido con un rodillo de amasar
Feminista agride a mulher com água quente e tenta esfaqueá-la no Coroadinho
Feminista agride sogra de 85 anos
In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism – Official Release 2:30:38 VIDEO
Dr. Len Horowitz: Mass Mind Control VIDEOS
Leonardo de Pisa
Tailandia da marcha atrás con el toque de queda pero da un plazo a los camisas rojas
CRES cancels plan to impose curfew in Bangkok
5pm – Curfew will not be issued to handle the chaos in Bangkok : CRES. The decision was made out of concern that issuing of curfew would affect people.
4.20pm – Erawan Emergency Center revives death toll of the Bangkok Crisis to 25, and injured to 215, as of 4.20pm.
Mucho más que dos
Back from Italia
1. Los hombres piensan en el sexo tres veces más que las mujeres
2. Sorry, men ARE more brainy than women (and more stupid too!) It’s a simple scientific fact, says one of Britain’s top dons
Read more:
3. Back from Italia
The Myth of Sex Trafficking
Hispanic Anger Should Be Focused At Globalists
1. Hispanic Anger Should Be Focused At Globalists
Sure, Robert Rodriguez’ new Machete has it all; false flag terror, media sex-psychology, bigoted “progressive” racial stereotyping, and all sandwiched into the ratification of caste system violence in reaction to false populism. But should the Hispanic populations of the world focus their influence at the population of the US or at the globalists?
America has the one of the very best historical lores concerning mankind’s search for a finer system of human liberty and balance with the rule of law. The value of a republic consisting of equal protection, balanced justice, property rights, unfettered expression, and connatural liberty is expressed through our shared, yet variable, commodious support of conservative principles, social populism, and the pursuit of responsible citizenship. Yet these pursuits of a greater republic have been twisted and used to confuse the masses into supporting neo-conservative and neo-liberal principles that starkly oppose free human existence. These false movements are funded and ultimately designed from a larger hegemonic movement for a global system of control. For at least three generations the educational systems of the modern world have taught that the Earth, being finite in mass, is finite in potential and that the management of the Earth must henceforth be centralized in order to ensure the infinite possibility and ultimate survival of mankind. Resources, wealth, industry, war, and population must all be controlled by centralized global governance in order for mankind to continue to exist; freedom and especially vast quantities of lives must therefore be sacrificed.
The organizations manufactured to govern globally have been repeatedly and consistently found to be implicated in programs of mass depopulation. One such instance in 2002 caused an international scandal when it was reported that “the United Nations, the Clinton administration, and Peruvian and Japanese non-governmental organizations were responsible for thousands of forced sterilizations under the government of Alberto Fujimori”. In another incident a year later, the Population Research Institute revealed that:
“An independent investigation has found that the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), in its association with the National Population Council of Mexico (CONAPO), supports involuntary sterilization and coercive family planning in Mexico. According to Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), which recently denounced coercion in family planning programs throughout Mexico, Public health servants have imposed methods of family planning on the native population without their consent and without informing them of the risks.” [Article]
Direct mass sterilization is only one method of depopulation in the modern era; whereas war, family planning, and Bill Gates’ ‘new vaccines, healthcare, and reproductive health services’ are all stoically in full swing today. In further propagation of non-government population control, foundation funded organizations are using indirect measures to actively and openly target Hispanic population centers. Meet Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss born industrialist and the quintessential globalist. As of 2008, Wyss was #164 on the Forbes list of billionaires, the second richest person in Switzerland and #72 on The Times list of 100 Richest People in the World. Wyss uses his wealth to de-industrialize the US by shutting down mineral mining corporations and, through the Wyss Foundation, places enormous landholdings under government control. He has turned more than 4,400,000 acres of land over to the National Park Service and as such they are now subject to U.N. control agreements. But what does The Wyss Foundation have to do with Hispanic population control? The Wyss Foundation’s chair is Marcey Olajos. Marcey Olajos is also the chair of The Center for Biological Diversity. This foundation states that human population must be curbed to save endangered species. The Center of Biological Diversity has “coincidentally” concentrated its “family planning” distributors in the heaviest Hispanic population areas in the United States. The organization has an even larger presence in Puerto Rico and Mexico and states unequivocally that human population must be reduced.
The importance of fighting against the globalists should now be much clearer to Hispanic Americans but what does any of this have to do with false populism? First, one must consider the origins of the massive globalist front organization “La Raza” (NCLR). Contrary to urban mythos, the NCLR was not founded in populist fever against imperialism. In fact, it was founded by the antithesis of such an organization; the Ford Foundation, an admitted supporter of globalization and covert funding organization of the National Security Agency. Second, the NCLR’s power structure is filled by professed globalists. Most notably, Raul Yzaguirre, a life time member of David Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations. With CEO Yzaguirre previously at the helm of the NCLR, the NCLR began expanding from Mexican only representation into further Central and South American representation. And it is at this point where it becomes clear as to the motivation of the NCLR. The expansion of the NCLR is less about civil liberty and freedom for Hispanics and more directly linked to the U.N.-WHO-WTO-NAFTA plans being implemented through the SPP. And toward such ends, Mr. Yzaguirre just so happens to be a highly valued member of the Independent Task Force on North America, whose main organizational task is the institution of the SPP and ultimately destruction of US sovereignty, or in their own words:
“The Task Force’s central recommendation is establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community, the boundaries of which would be defined by a common external tariff and an outer security perimeter.”
The unification of Hispanics against “American Imperialism” is being fabricated to more significantly develop a sovereign-less imperial union, while directly and indirectly reducing human population in targeted areas.
It is an absolute fact that the average freedom loving US citizen is completely opposed to the genocidal programs of the globalists. They are offensively bounding after the entire population of the world, regardless of race or ethnicity, and are the engine of both depopulation and controlled opposition. We need the Hispanic communities of the US and the World to understand that equal protection, balanced justice, property rights, unfettered expression, and connatural liberty are the road to a successful humanity. By implementing the opposite of force and through a blooming mutual respect and value for the Republic that binds us, mankind can reach a truly infinite potential. For all.
U.N., U.S. and NGOs Promoted Forced Sterilizations in Peru
UNFPA [United Nations Population Fund] Supports Forced Sterilization in Mexico
Acabemos con el homosexualismo, por el exterminio del feminismo. Antes de que acaben con nosotros. Por la Civilización, contra la barbarie. Revolución antifeminista.
2. Gulf Oil SPILL: What a Lie
3. He Who Controls the Money, Controls the World
He Who Controls the Money, Controls the World
The words “population control” bring a thought process to bear on any person contemplating the phrase…usually connected to the idea of simple demographic overpopulation. But that is only one part of the equation – population control is not just limiting the overall number of humans that exist on the planet at any given moment to “sustainable” levels. It’s also about CONTROLLING the behavior, thought processes, attitudes, and beliefs of the population as well.
And the most powerful means of controlling the people, is to control the primary means of interacting and exchanging goods and services amongst each other to obtain the necessities of surviving…control the money, you control the people.
Which, of course, is the primary contention of the “Conspiratorial view” of history.
Two quotes, one idea:
- Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes her laws.
- Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws. – Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Many NWO conspiracy theories have speculated that the recent economic downturn was deliberately instigated by the International Central Banker’s deliberate manipulation of the interest rates for institutions to borrow and lend out their fiat currency. Combined with fractional reserve lending and an exacerbated business cycle due to “Bubbles” of mal-investments (the bubble, real estate bubble…), inflation and economic recessionary conditions all contribute to the destruction of the American dollar.
The idea is that once the dollar is no longer meaningful as a medium of exchange, we the sheeple will than be ready to except a new currency, paving the way for our international banking elite to than introduce the “Amero” – the North American Region’s version of the Euro.
This is a synthesis of the popularized view of the NWO “conspiracy theory” regarding the current economic crisis.
Niki Raapana, founder and of the Anti-Communitarian League, linked to an article on her blog, Living Outside the Dialectic, that digs a little deeper, and reveals that perhaps our financial overlords won’t even bother with implementing the Amero…instead, they plan to destroy the Euro (Apparently, Greece is the first domino to begin falling…) destroy the dollar, and institute an entirely different scheme of “money.”
And it ties in oh so neatly with the environmentalist agenda. It’s called Carbon Currency.
Critics who think that the U.S. dollar will be replaced by some new global currency are perhaps thinking too small.
On the world horizon looms a new global currency that could replace all paper currencies and the economic system upon which they are based.
The new currency, simply called Carbon Currency, is designed to support a revolutionary new economic system based on energy (production, and consumption), instead of price. Our current price-based economic system and its related currencies that have supported capitalism, socialism, fascism and communism, is being herded to the slaughterhouse in order to make way for a new carbon-based world.
No wonder the primary doomsayer for global warming is invested so heavily into carbon trading.
Forces are already at work to position a new Carbon Currency as the ultimate solution to global calls for poverty reduction, population control, environmental control, global warming, energy allocation and blanket distribution of economic wealth.
Unfortunately for individual people living in this new system, it will also require authoritarian and centralized control over all aspects of life, from cradle to grave.
What is Carbon Currency and how does it work? In a nutshell, Carbon Currency will be based on the regular allocation of available energy to the people of the world. If not used within a period of time, the Currency will expire (like monthly minutes on your cell phone plan) so that the same people can receive a new allocation based on new energy production quotas for the next period.
Because the energy supply chain is already dominated by the global elite, setting energy production quotas will limit the amount of Carbon Currency in circulation at any one time. It will also naturally limit manufacturing, food production and people movement.
Population CONTROL.
He who has the gold…errr, I mean carbon, makes the rules.
Local currencies could remain in play for a time, but they would eventually wither and be fully replaced by the Carbon Currency, much the same way that the Euro displaced individual European currencies over a period of time.
When the day comes that our Government tells the masses that they are instituting a “carbon” or “energy” based currency or monetary system, you will surely know that the NWO was not just a silly fantasy of paranoids on the internet.
Does this all sound like madcap insanity? The article also provides a variety of links to articles published within the last decade, all contemplating the idea. But I would perhaps not call them speculative guesses…but trial balloons to get the masses used to the idea that will soon be our reality.
From 1995: Towards a single carbon currency
From 2004: A New Currency
From 2007: When Carbon is Currency
From 2008: Towards a Common Carbon Currency: Exploring the prospects for integrated global carbon markets.
From 2009:Everyone in Britain could be given a personal ‘carbon allowance
Here’s the official website of the folks pushing this idea: Technocracy Inc.
Of course, the real goal here is total population control…which is what the controllers of doling out carbon currency would eventually gain.
If you study the card above, you will also note that is serves as a universal identity card and contains a microchip. This reflects Technocracy’s philosophy that each person in society must be meticulously monitored and accounted for in order to track what they consume in terms of energy, and also what they contribute to the manufacturing process.
This idea of a carbon currency certainly seems to tie all of the “cospiracy theory” angles together quite nicely. Still think the conspiracy theories are not true? I’ll bet you a million carbons…
The article’s conclusion:
Where there is smoke, there is fire. Where there is talk, there is action….
…This article intended to show that
* Carbon Currency is not a new idea, but has deep roots in Technocracy
* Carbon Currency has grown from a continental proposal to a global proposal
* It has been consistently discussed over a long period of time
* The participants include many prominent global leaders, banks and think-tanks
* The context of these discussions have been very consistent
* Today’s goals for implementing Carbon Currency are virtually identical to Technocracy’s original Energy Certificates goals.
Of course, a currency is merely a means to an end. Whoever controls the currency also controls the economy and the political structure that goes with it.
Earth may be too hot for humans by 2300: study
Otra vez con la mierda neomaltusiana del cambio climático. Son incapaces de predecir para dentro de quince días y nos dicen lo que va a pasar dentro de trescientos anos. Estos se creen que somos imbéciles, o sea, como ellos. Toma predicción del tiempo: el invierno que viene hará frío y en verano hará calor.
Otra agresión neomaltusiana de mierda:
B2bn to combat climate change
The Agriculture Ministry plans to utilise a 2-billion-baht fund to support research and development projects that aim to minimise global warming.
State-run research and development institutes have been encouraged to use the fund for farm projects with a focus on reducing gas emissions.
Making products in ways that reduce potential for global warming has become a major condition for international trade, said Yukol Limlaemtong, the ministry’s permanent secretary.
Mr Yukol discussed the prospects for new projects recently with representatives of the National Research Council of Thailand, the Thailand Research Fund, and the National Science and Technology Development Agency
Basta de asquerosas, basta de feministas, basta de putas enfermas de mierda. Todas a la puta cárcel, su hábitat natural.
1. Ukip Manifesto
2. What is Domestic Violence?
3. Bangkok BRT
List of bus rapid transit systems
Bangkok stubs
Inteligencia Emocional e Instituto Tavistock
1. Inteligencia
2. Criticism of the theoretical foundation of EI
3. Emotional intelligence
Inteligencia emocional
5. Tavistock Institute for Global Manipulation
6. Coleman – The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (2005)
7. The Tavistock Institute, Social Science in Action
Hay Group: Emotional Intelligence Services
Los terroristas, los feministas
8. Turn Off Your Television:
How Television Controls And Programs Minds
(Volveremos sobre esto)
HOW FIVE WOMEN CEO’S DESTROYED CONFIDENCE IN THE U.S. ECONOMY y el enfermo de Gates (el de Microsoft. Boicot!!) Foundation Suggests Sterilizing Males with Ultrasound
Director ejecutivo
Director ejecutivo, también conocido como ejecutivo delegado, jefe ejecutivo, presidente ejecutivo, principal oficial ejecutivo o con las siglas CEO
2. Obama Czar Wants Mandatory Government Propaganda On Political Websites
Son unos enfermos estos homosexualos.
Cuando dice “for our society” hay que entenderle en sentido literal.
Obama Information Czar Calls For Banning Free Speech
3. Kerry, Lieberman Ready to End Senate Careers
4. Gates Foundation Suggests Sterilizing Males with Ultrasound
Debemos luchar por la aplicacion de la lobotomia a los feministas, es decir, a los neomaltusianos. Acabemos con el feudalismo, acabemos con el esclavismo.
5. Sobre el GHLGM
UK Nanny State to Perform Home Inspections on Families with Children Under Five
6. Financial Terrorists Want Global Currency, Global Central Bank
7. Ron Paul: Those Who Voted Against Audit The Fed Will Pay The Price
Feb. 22 2010
December 15, 2009
8. Geologist Declares ‘global warming is over’ — Warns U.S. Climate Conference of ‘Looming Threat of Global Cooling’
El presidente terrorista portugués promulga la ley de matrimonio homosexual. Pobre enfermo de mierda. Desandareis lo andado, y ademas lo hareis a ciegas. Ya nos entendeis.
Female reporter attacked by angry protesters
Des ateliers pour souligner la Journée de la femme
“”Une journée au féminin !” Au menu : masculinisme, hypersexualisation des jeunes filles, violence conjugale, monoparentalité et pauvreté des femmes. ”
Interesante articulo e interesante debate
Thailand’s Thaksin Shinwatra, Marxists, and the NWO
If the Tea Party were a political party, fielded a group of candidates nationwide, and then rioted and demanded early election….
soleprobe Says:
May 18th, 2010 at 8:35 pm
I’ve been reading these comments since someone by the name of Chok called into Alex and referred the listeners to Insanity. As far as I’m concerned, I know little about Thai political history but after linking to some of his sources I feel Insanity’s telling the truth and most of those that oppose him have more of a shill-like aura.
Insanity Reply:
May 19th, 2010 at 3:23 am
Yes, Thaksin, for the last 3 years has used the services of several Washington and UK based lobbyist firms, sending out massive disinformation, paid bloggers, fake lobbyist firms, and planted editorials in rags like the Economist.
Take this excerpt from 2Bangkok dot com under “What to expect from Thaksin’s new lobbyist Robert Amsterdam – May 13, 2010″…
Kelvin Says:
May 18th, 2010 at 11:28 am
The person who wrote this article doesn’t have good understanding of what is going on in Thailand and Thai politic and deep history. I am a Thai living in the USA. So I know what I am talking about.
If anything Thaksin is far from being a tool of NWO. Why? Tony seemed to conveniently forget to mention that his priority was to pay of IMF and got IMF off Thailand’s back.
Yellow shirts are being blinded by the elites. People close to monach/mange monach’s businesses (banks and other investments)/military … all the rich class are using all tools to get rid of Thaksin as Thaksin was so popular and won elections by land slide. After the coup, his party won again big. They went through 2 or 3 priminister before this current priminister is installed. Yellow shirt camp did it all by finding non-issues to out Thaksin’s camp.
Robin Says:
May 18th, 2010 at 10:46 am
Army has shoot to kill policy. All sniper murders are shots to the head. No photos of any victims with weapons. Sniper assassination on Seh Deang triggered this fight. Public consent was created by several false flag attempts – April 22nd Sala Deang attacks were seen as False Flags by everybody who was on the scene and not a yellow.
Riots break out after red shirts leaders surrender
“They broke into the Central World’s building and set fire inside the buildings.” Esto estaba cantado desde el primer dia.
“Smoke was also seen rising from the Platinum shopping mall”
Army halts Bangkok offensive
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
11:43 Mecca time, 08:43 GMT
“Fires were also reported at the offices of one TV company and the Central World Department store, the second largest department store in Southeast Asia.”
CFR Meeting: Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Global Awakening
Climategate 2010: The Inconvenient Facts About Global Warming
Time to Abort Fatherhood at Will
Most idiotic global warming headline ever
U.K. Journalist and ClimateGate Vanguard: Global Warming Debate as ‘Important’ as Winning World Wars
Atencion.Noticia de ahora mismo
The government imposed curfew in Bangkok from 8 pm to 6 am.
The curfew will be in place until further notice.
Toque de queda en Bangkok hasta vigente hasta nuevo aviso.
Usa Firefox, es gratis y mejor que los de la oligarquía.
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Mozilla Firefox (English)
Mozilla Firefox (español) (Portugués)
Human rights campaigners attack Malawi gay couple conviction
Malawi court convicts gay couple
Tienen suerte de que no les hayan aplicado la pena de muerte.
Los niños asesinados en Gerona eran hijos de un homosexual británico
1. Los niños asesinados en Gerona eran hijos de un homosexual británico
2. Brzezinski Decries “Global Political Awakening” During CFR Speech VIDEO
“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”
The “elite” to which Brzezinski refers included many of those who were in attendance for his speech at the CFR meeting. The global political awakening which Brzezinski discussed represents part of the resistance to that very elite dominated society and the systems of control, subjugation and surveillance that they have imposed upon the human race in pursuit of a “more controlled society” and a one world government.
3. DNC Chairman: Rand Paul Is A Far Right “Extreme Candidate”
4. El impacto económico de una guerra callejera: queman la Bolsa de Bangkok y dejan tocado el PIB
a. “¿Qué ocurre con la economía de un país cuando miles de rebeldes ocupan y paralizan el centro financiero y comercial de su capital durante dos meses? ¿Cómo se comportan los inversores ante explosiones de granadas, cócteles molotov y una guerrilla urbana que levanta barricadas con neumáticos ardiendo en las principales avenidas? ¿Cuál es la reacción de la Bolsa cuando miles de soldados se atrincheran en la vía pública y francotiradores abren fuego contra civiles matando cerca de 40 personas e hiriendo a casi 300? ¿Y si encima ahuyenta al turismo, que es uno de los pilares de la economía y el empleo?”
Pues nada, lo que ocurre es que los mercados, los inversores, se ponen cachondos porque les va la marcha (ya sabeis como son los neomaltusianos) y el baht sigue estable en relacion al dolar. Cosas de la vida
b. “Las inversiones tampoco se han visto excesivamente afectadas. En los días sucesivos a los disturbios del 10 de abril, que dejaron 25 muertos y cuando algunos medios extranjeros empezaron a hablar, exagerando el conflicto, de la posibilidad de una “guerra civil”, las bolsas tailandesas cayeron más de un 10%. ” Vaya, parece ser que nos tenemos que creer que los inversores no habian visto las orejas al lobo cuando no solo habia enseñado toda la patita sino todo el cuerpo. Ya ves, los inversores huyen de paises de larga estabilidad y tradicion democratica por su inestabilidad y peligro (Europa) y van a paises donde la tradicion, la estabilidad estan a la luz de todos.Sobre todo la esatabilidad y la certidumbre, seguridad, que se cierne sobre su futuro (Tailandia) Entiendase la ironia (dirigido a los homosexuales, que tanto disfrutan en nuestro sitio web)
Si clao, tambien habia quien decia que no pasaria nada y que todo eran exageraciones. Toma exageraciones. Anda ya.
BPA plastics chemical damages intestines, study shows
BPA is used to make hard clear plastics for products such as water and baby bottles. It is also used to make dental sealants and composites, and is in the liners food cans, beverages and infant formula. More than 130 studies have linked the hormone-mimicking chemical to a wide variety of health problems, including cancers, birth and reproductive defects, obesity, early puberty onset, behavior disorders and brain damage.
Leading Global Warming Skeptic Lindzen: Time to Abandon the ‘Skeptic’ Label VIDEO
Hemos ordenado la seccion de videos:
Por el derecho a la Libertad
Por la civilización, contra la barbarie
¡Revolución antifeminista!
Si vis pacem para bellum
Conspiracy of Banks Rigging States Came With Crash
CentralWorld, Center One, Siam Theatre, Big C Rajdamri may have to be demolished
List of 36 places in Bangkok hit by arsons
Y claro, ya sbeis como es el mercado. Cre en un a ciudad en cenizas pero no cre en Europa. Jajajajajajajaja que cachondos son . Tienen que contar unos chistes de la hostia estos que defienden la idea del mercado independiente. Habra que invitarlos a ir de juerga.
Los mercados son dependientes de los oligarcas, es decir, de los feministas, es decir, de los homosexuales.
Dow Theorist Richard Russell: Sell Everything, You Won’t Recognize America By The End Of The Year
Dow Theorist Richard Russell: Sell Everything, You Won’t Recognize America By The End Of The Year